Noise budgets

Determination of the budgets for the equivalent-input noise sources of the controller.

The source-referred noise spectrum equals:

$$ S_{\mathrm{v{tot}}}=2.25\,S_{v}+\frac{6.132\cdot 10^{+20}\,S_{i}}{F^2}+4.142\cdot 10^{-19} $$

A show stopper value $S_{\mathrm{vmax}}$ for $S_v$ is found by setting $S_i=0$ and solve $S_v$ from the specification of the floor noise at a high frequency (30MHz).

In this way we obtain in $\mathrm{V/\sqrt{Hz}}$:

$$ S_{\mathrm{vmax}}=3.306\cdot 10^{-9} $$

A show stopper value $S_{\mathrm{imax}}$ for $S_i$ is found by setting $S_v=0$ and solve $S_i$ from the specification of the 1/f noise at a low frequency (100kHz).

In this way we obtain in $\mathrm{A/\sqrt{Hz}}$:

$$ S_{\mathrm{imax}}=4.03\cdot 10^{-14} $$

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